Mindful Listening

Mindful Listening

I want to share an excerpt from my soon to be published book, “Revelations from a Stress Junkie: Finding Courage at the Edge of Your Comfort Zone.” Co-Empowered Communication through Listening-Supporting-Challenging One of the key steps when responding to stress...
The Hidden Gift of Shadow Work

The Hidden Gift of Shadow Work

In my book, “Revelations from a Stress Junkie; Finding Courage at the Edge of Your Comfort Zone”, I wrote about the personal work I have done to explore my dark side, called my shadow, to discover how I limit myself when I step into unconscious habits or...
Speaking the Unspeakable

Speaking the Unspeakable

When my 20-year-old nephew was in Trauma ICU being worked up for an organ donation, I said to his older brother, this is your time to speak the unspeakable to your brother because we are going to lose him. When my father was in the last days of his fight with cancer,...
Rebirth and Renewal and Resurrection

Rebirth and Renewal and Resurrection

Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal where everything comes to new life after a long dormant winter. This of course depends on the climate where you live. For many, winter is a time of hibernation and quiet where the trees stand leafless, and the morning frost...