
The Wheel of Health: a multipronged approach

The process of restoring health and balanced living is a multipronged approach. The reality is that generally things don’t fall apart over night and a health issue typically manifests over time before it is diagnosed or severe enough to seek treatment. So the process...

Do you have the five Huaquas?

  Do you have the five Huaquas?  Happiness, Health, Humor, and Hope are the keys to having a life filled with Harmony. How do we create a life with Harmony? If we are lacking any of the Huaquas we will not be in Harmony. Happiness comes through the elemental...

Launch of Directions 4 Wellness

  The launch of Directions 4 Wellness is off to a great start. I have had incredible support and some really insightful feedback about my website: www.Directions4Wellness.com I completed my training as an Integrative Health Coach through Duke University this past...