
Standing at the Trailhead

Standing at the Trailhead; What Supports Individualized Transitions The most amazing thing to me is the diversity of my practice. I have coached a variety of individuals who are as unique as snowflakes. Yet the coaching process works as we partner together to explore...

Gladys McGarey’s Living Medicine Vision

Gladys McGarey, MD, an icon who transformed the Health Care Model from “Lust to Dust” through the Process of Life. I recently had the privilege to meet Dr. Gladys McGarey where she shared her vision for a new paradigm in medicine.  Dr. Gladys is 93 years old and is...

Planting Seeds for Transformation

I recently participated with a group who came together on a beautiful day to transform the landscape of the Rainbow Powers Center. It was a community effort that came together to transform the back yard of our Spiritual School into a sanctuary of beauty.  ...

Evolution Through Physical Experience

    Evolve: It’s through our evolution that we heal and transform into our potential. We came into physical form to evolve our soul through how we engage in our physical experiences. If we were formless, as in Spirit, we would not have the capacity to do and...

Healing Paradigm

All you wanted to know about our healing paradigm but were afraid to ask         The Sweet Medicine Sundance Path is often referred to as the “Wounded Warriors Path” by the simple principle that everything we do as an apprentice bring...

January Newsletter Business Launch

The launch of Directions 4 Wellness is off to a great start. I have had incredible support and some really insightful feedback about my website: www.Directions4Wellness.com    I completed my training as an Integrative Health Coach through Duke University this...

Explore Your Big Vision for 2014

Your Big Vision, Accountability and Follow Through Through Coaching I partner with you to explore your BIG vision. What do really want to create for yourself? How do you want to transform an aspect of your life? What are the steps to get there?  What accountability do...