
Planting Seeds for Transformation

I recently participated with a group who came together on a beautiful day to transform the landscape of the Rainbow Powers Center. It was a community effort that came together to transform the back yard of our Spiritual School into a sanctuary of beauty.


Anytime you work on personal transformation to create a new inner landscape, you are following the same process that we did on that beautiful day supported by sunshine (light) and fresh air (intent) working as a community (accountability).  We first pulled out all the unwanted weeds by their roots and discarded them. These are the old habits, belief systems and concepts cleared from the inner landscape. We brought in bucket loads of fresh, fertile topsoil representing fresh perspectives and new viewpoints. The next step was to place the new plants into their places spaced evenly to create beauty.  New patterns start as a tiny seed that grows into a plant and flourishes as it takes root into the earth (the physical body). The final step was the layer of gravel for drainage and to seal in the soil and the moisture as we watered all of the new growth.  This is when our self-transformation is integrated into all aspects of being; exposing the new plants to light and water as they take root.


There was one chunky barrier to our beauty that was a challenge in the space. There was a concrete covert that had been a planter. It was this gigantic block of concrete and rebar that took a lot of focused attention and special tools to break it down so it could be hauled away. We didn’t have what we needed for that aspect of our transformation so we looked for bigger resources to support the completion of that big chunk of memory that did not serve our intent to create beauty. This planter took more energy and time to break down but finally the right approach was effective and we were able to haul away the smaller pieces of concrete to complete the landscape that we were working towards.  For our inner landscape we need access to stronger tools to really give away the old stories that keep us stuck and in a box of limitations. This is where personal ceremony or ritual comes in to access the bigger powers of creation into our resource circle to break up those bug chunky blocks into smaller manageable pieces that we can work with as we re-landscape our inner self.  Coaching can support access to the tools that are needed to work on these big “home improvement” projects to create change in the inner landscape.



Planting Seeds for Transformation