
Turning Around Burnout Related to Stress


Turning Around Burnout Related to Stress

Are you spread thin and overwhelmed nearly every day?

Are you feeling frustrated that your to-do list is never finished?

Are you feeling pressured to do so much for others that you don’t have energy left to do things for yourself?

Do you value success but feel like you have paid a high price in your relationships, your parenting or your health and that your life lacks fun and pleasure?

I meet a lot of very success driven individuals who have worked very hard to get where they are. They feel good about what they have created but not so much about what it takes to keep their success going. It takes constant focus to keep all of those plates spinning on the sticks……sometimes losing one that crashes to the floor when the chaos hits.


The truth is that once you start to feel on auto-pilot just trying to keep up with your to-do list, you are at risk for overwhelm and burnout. Once you lose sight of you vision for where you want to go in your life, you lose hope. Once you lose hope you may be at risk to disconnect, numb-out or distract from what should bring you joy and fulfillment. Once you are in this place you are at risk for depression, anxiety or health issues. This is the point where success has a high price. Overwhelming stress will drive this downward spiral and bring you down with it.


If this scenario resonates with you, I’m here to help dig you out of this hole.

Life will always be busy so finding strategies to manage the stress that comes with a busy life is essential. How do you get “good” at stress so that you can keep your eye on your vision, feel passion for what you are doing and connect to a sustainable way to be successful in both your professional and personal life?


It’s really how you think about stress and knowing that stress comes when something you care about is at risk. Usually stress comes up when you have a conflict with something that is important to you. If you look at why it’s important, you will likely see a connection to your personal values such as family, relationships, health or success. Stress and what gives you meaning are linked. Another cause for stress is when you have competing priorities. It’s not about having more hours in the day for your to-do list, it’s about learning how to prioritize what really matters in your day.


As far as how you think about stress, if you think that stress is bad for you, it will be. The new science of stress management has shown this to be true. There are worse health outcomes for those who believe that stress is bad for them. If you believe that stress is not harmful to you or your health and that life is just busy, you will not be impacted by stress negatively in terms of health outcomes and longevity. I help my clients with this shift of mindset through the techniques that I offer. I have been working with stress for so long that I have multiple techniques to help my clients learn how to harness the energy of stress to rise to the challenge or to meet adversity using the stress response for a successful outcome. When you understand how to create a stress resilient lifestyle, you can respond to stress triggers by being more present in the moment to meet the challenge, connect with others for support or to offer support so you can cope and connect to courage as well as learn and grow from the experience. If you don’t learn how to manage your stress, you will react to stress triggers flooding your body with stress hormones that stay elevated and overwork your internal organs creating a “flight or fight” survival response where you are unable to learn beyond how to survive from that trigger because you have tunnel vision so you are not as effective at problem solving, you are not present in the moment but are future oriented, you have no resources to cope or tap into courage. What’s harmful over time when this is your way of dealing with stress is that you waste a lot of precious energy resources, you are risking your health and negatively impacting your relationships both at work and at home. You will lose connection to what brings fulfillment and motivation for what you do as you begin to experience burnout.



Sara is a Stress Management Specialist and creator of the “Turn Your Stress into Success Programs”. With more than 30 years in Healthcare and Certified as an Integrative Health Coach, she can help you to turn a stressful lifestyle into a successful lifestyle. For more information and techniques contact Sara Regester at Sara@directions4wellness.com or her website at Direction4Wellness.com. Her programs are designed to support you to create Stress resilience to turn your stress into success.

