
Directions 4 Wellness

It’s that time of year again where we are both excited about the coming holidays and dreading them too with all the extra preparations and festivities to add to our plate. It can be a time-crunch causing us to push with our energy to beat the clock and squeeze in all that shopping, baking, prepping and socializing.


The holiday season is a time when we push through to not miss out on anything and pull our hair out at the same time when we feel we are burning the candle at both ends.


So here is a tip to use when you have so much to do and so little time. It’s about prioritizing your to-do list by the discernment of “I want to” vs. “I should do”.


Here’s the question to ask yourSELF and many when you have competing priorities and many opportunities. Ask yourself, “What do I want to do?” Say yes to those things that are truly your heart’s desire to fuel for your energy bank. When you hear yourself saying “I should do this…” then that is the thing to delegate to someone else or say no thanks. The things that you “should” do are what create the overwhelm because they take up precious space in your day.



When you prioritize the things that you want to do, you can gain energy from that joyful place of giving. When you give because you should to it, you will risk opening the door to resentment. When we over give and deplete ourselves or spread ourselves too thin, we risk going into resentful giving. There is no joy or energy gain if our holidays are driven by the should-do’s and not the I want to do’s”.


Practice fueling your energy bank by listening with your heart’s desire. Joyful giving is energizing and resentful giving is depleting. Always give from a full tank to not deplete your energy reserves and run yourself down.


If you want to learn how to harness your stress into purpose and success, then come to one of my free workshops on November 29th at 6:30pm or December 6th at 11:30 am.  Click here for more information.  www.directions4wellness.com/events

