
Summer brings its own pace of movement relative to the heat

and the focus on relaxation and summer escapes. It can be challenging to stay on track.


New Perspectives on Transformation


At the heart of the coaching process is a change in perspective for the client. Even as a coach my perspective has changed dramatically since I passed my Coaching Certification exam in early May. It feels like being 16 and finally getting your driver’s license as you now get to drive your vehicle with no one watching……a new taste of freedom yet another big space to step into.

So I have been coaching clients for a year now and my personal transformation has been strong. I always had the vision that I would be coaching within the medical community. But I recently had a great epiphany that turns my coaching perspective around 180 degrees.

As a RN caring for patients I always had a holistic view of my patient care. It came from the earliest days of my nursing training. I think the word in my text book was something like man as a “bio-psycho-social-sexual being” what a mouthful. Now 30 years down the track it is my dream to really work with “beings” in this manner. So the call to work within Integrated Medicine has been strong for many years.

My recent illumination came to me while reflecting on what I can really bring to my practice that sets me apart from other coaches in the community. I see clearly that within my integrated coaching practice that I am the integrated one…..I coach from the integration of my medical background, my shamanic studies and my formal training as a coach. From this perspective I can see the beauty of true healing and transformation in my clients as I support them through their personal journey. From my viewpoint, I can see true evolution and expansion in my clients and it motivates me to keep evolving and expanding my skills as a coach.

I’m so grateful for my early clients and I look forward to working with those of you who are yet to come. We jump together!

New Perspectives on Transformation