
Sara RegesterNew Pathways for Neuro Pathways. I was walking in the woods the other day and was looking ahead to see the path before me. The path was well worn as many had passed  that way along the tree lined trail. This trail is so entrenched that there is no way to get lost unless you leave the trail to find a new way through the woods. The more you follow a new trail, the stronger the path becomes. Then as more and more pass along that way, the old trail is abandoned and over time will become overgrown and covered with grass, shrubs and trees.

This is the same concept of how our brain works to create new patterns of behavior. Our old tried and true patterns have formed deep grooves in our neuro pathways to create an automatic response to a situation. We are conditioned from following that same pattern over time so our neuro pathways have set patterns of how the neurotransmitters travel through our nervous system. When we decide to change a pattern we have to be conscious of our new path and keep striving to stay on the new route so we can create a clearly defined new pattern for our neuro transmitters to travel upon. Overtime the old pattern path will fade and disappear as a remote memory.