
Unconditional Love

As February is the month for love, I was reflecting on love when I had this epiphany about unconditional love. Of all the people who love me, and there are many who do, I could only think of few people who I felt loved me 100%, unconditionally over my lifetime.

I realized how these significant individuals loved me with complete acceptance, non-judgement or holding any expectations of who I should be or to what degree I was living up to my “potential.” They don’t tell me how I can be better but accept me where I am. I cherish these individuals because they love and accept me not only when I’m not at my best but in fact, hold space for me during those times when I am at my worst.

Someone who loves you unconditionally during those vulnerable moments when you are real, and who do not gloss over the unattractive, (which immediately helps you to lighten up as you both begin to crack up at the situation). Unconditional love then, is someone you can be real with and also someone who helps you to see reality as it is.

Who loves or has loved you unconditionally in your lifetime? Who has held space for you to be real? The others who love you, may not be ones you can be real with; or who you can let go with.

Loving Yourself Unconditionally

The compelling question about unconditional love; is to ask why we don’t have the ability to be real with ourselves or to love oneself unconditionally? How interesting to not be vulnerable with myself means that I’m going to blow smoke into the mirror of fantasy and illusion so I can’t see the truth or worse, to hide the truth from myself.

How many ways do you not hold yourself accountable to keep your bottom lines because you tell yourself that someone else’s needs are more important than your need to fill your own tank or carve out time for personal desires.

Unconditional love of yourself might look like an enlightened state for some, so far down the track and unattainable. But wouldn’t it be amazing to hold space for yourself in both your shining moments as well as during times of vulnerability or when you are not feeling your shiny self.

Self Awareness

What opens the door to unconditional self-love is self-awareness. Nothing will change until you become aware of the conditional way you love yourself.

  • Where are you looking into a smoky mirror and not being honest with yourself?
  • How can you have awareness when your inner dialogue is not being kind to you?
  • What can you give to yourself as an act of kindness to nurture your Soul?

Self Acceptance

Once you are through the door of self-awareness you can step into self-acceptance.

  • How can your mistakes be the vehicle that you learn from rather than ammunition to wound yourself with?
  • What if those around you held similar fears and insecurities as you do?
  • What if you could empower yourself by using your breath to center yourself into your belly so you can hear the inner wise voice of intuition and clarity?

Inner Sanctuary of Truth

From self-awareness you can cultivate self-acceptance, so you can step into your inner sanctuary of truth. A space where you can be real with yourself. A state of honesty to see both the beauty of yourself and the “unattractive” self equally, without judgement or inner criticism but with an open curiosity that says “Isn’t that interesting? Look where my thoughts are leading me now? Why am I treating/talking to myself in this way?”


In any moment you can take on an act of unconditional self-love and connect to your inner sanctuary with a deep breath into your lower belly.

  • Pause and tune into what you notice without judgement or concern but with curiosity and neutrally noticing your current truth.
  • Choose to be real with yourself. Hold space for yourself and offer yourself permission to be vulnerable and honest as an act of the same unconditional love response that you would show another.
  • Connecting to your inner truth will provide you with a clear mirror of self-reflection by which you can gain a personal epiphany. We call this an “ah-ha” moment when a light bulb of illumination appears.

To explore how you can tap into your evolutionary self-awareness and learn how you are personally wired to evolve and grow, schedule your Dharma Design Session with Sara at www.Directions4Wellness.com