
Stacking your deck for life balance

Many of us feel a yearning for more life balance. My clients come to me seeking less stress and overwhelm and more work-life-balance. It’s a strong theme for many in our collective these days.

From my experience, as someone who lives a very FULL life, the best approach to create more life balance is to shift how we define what balance means to each of us individually. There is no hard fast formula, or a one size fits all approach. There may not be an equal balance of time spent for each quadrant of life experience but there is a choreography where we may balance what fuels our tank with the demand of our energy output.

Five Truths that create a barrier against life balance:

  1. Time spent at work in perfection mode and in fear of making mistakes by pushing and striving to get it right.
  2. Staying busy because we are unable to say no and mean it.
  3. Resistance to what we cannot change rather than changing our attitude or perspective of how we think about it.
  4. Indulging ourselves with distractions such as excessive social media scrolling and Netflix binging that pull us out of focus as we numb out.
  5. Seeking happiness and fulfillment from others or external resources outside of ourselves.

Five Truths to stack your deck for life balance:

  1. To have more of what we want in the form of happiness from saying yes to our internal heart’s desire for pleasure. Humans are wired for pleasure, we just don’t train the muscle regularly.
  2. To prioritize the activities that recharge our energy and discharge our stress.
  3. Engaging in work that is both empowering and fulfilling.
  4. Consistently prioritizing the small things that matter.
  5. To maintain our health and wellbeing in mind-body-spirit when we do the top 4 truths.

Being out of balance in any of the above themes will throw off our health and harmony to create a lack of life balance.

To embody these five truths, the key is how we prioritize our energy and make clear decisions, choices and priorities as we tune into our internal compass.

Balanced choreography happens not when we streamline our schedule but when we keep the priorities for our values on our radar and choose to focus on what really matters to us in the moment.

We create balance and harmony every time we avoid the trap of complacency that we slip into when we don’t walk our talk with our priorities. What supports us to stay focused and centered are the mindful moments when we can simply notice the details that matter, without judgement and breathe through the moments when life is meeting us head on.

Five Steps to Ensure Life Balance:

  1. Add pleasure and joy factor activities into your calendar to recharge your energy and discharge your stress. (No timeframe for the engagement is too brief.)
  2. Bottom lines and boundaries to walk your talk when you consistently follow through on your agreements with your SELF. Golden Rule: To Thine Own Self Be True.  
  3. Be spontaneous when your heart’s desire whispers in your ear and say YES!
  4. Prioritize the important things on your to-do list for follow through. Feel the empowerment with every step of completion. The key here is “completion over perfection.”
  5. When you are dealing with a “no-control” situation, how can you shift your attitude to see it another way? Where is the hidden blessing or teaching that you can grow with?

Courage to Shine: How to Feel Confident Outside Your Comfort Zone will be released soon.