Polarity and Chaos
In this era of polarity and chaos that is overlaid with uncertainty, you can choose to take a pause and then notice the truth of any situation with a moment of mindful awareness. With awareness, you can recognize and name what you fear. You can pivot into the unknown territory of change that is underfoot, so you don’t freeze in your tracks. If you value your personal autonomy and freedom then you must be willing to be an outlier. Be true to yourself and make your own path if you choose not to follow what everyone else is doing. Now more than ever you need to really pay attention and be willing to explore the truth in the midst of all the craziness.
What is Your Truth
More importantly, what is your truth when you pause in a mindful moment to notice what that inner whisper of your intuitive wisdom is telling you. Intuitively, you may feel it, you may hear it, or you may simply know it as your truth. Don’t allow your inner dialogue to distract you from your truth.
Repression is when you don’t speak up for your truth and you hold yourself back from opportunity, personal growth, personal expression and self-actualization. It’s like trying to move forward with the brakes on. Repression is what you do when you hold yourself back until you are assured of the approval of others. Repression is triggered by your insecurity and happens when you listen to the voice of your inner critic and not your wise intuitive self.
In full disclosure, it is humbling when you can see the truth of how your insecurity and fear open the door to doubt and the voice of your inner critic.
Perhaps your core values are different than those of the person next to you. Perhaps your tribe is going down a path that is not aligned with what you know is true for you. How can you know your truth if you have not dropped inside introspectively to explore what really matters to you, both now and in your future? Are you simply going with the flow, or are you awake enough to connect to your evolutionary awareness that Spirit is calling you to? (aka the destiny that you are evolving into).
After the Pause
After you pause, be willing to pivot. The best way to deal with chaos is to not resist it but to meet it and move with the chaos. Chaos is change energy. The energy of change can propel you or exhaust you. Will you pivot to move with the energy change, or will you fight it and resist change? You choose if you will take responsibility to live your truth or not…..
Once you are clear about your truth and what really matters to you, you can walk your talk in beauty with poise. You have to be willing to take responsibility to face your fears and insecurities by exposing the truth underneath them.
Cambridge Dictionary definition of poise:
- Noun: Calm confidence in a person’s way of behaving, or a quality of grace (moving in an attractive way) and balance in a way a person holds or moves their body, Graceful and elegant bearing in a person.

You can choose if you will live your truth or live with the consequences of repression that will impact your health and happiness. When you commit yourself to taking a mindful moment to pause, so you can increase your awareness about what is true in the moment and then be able to pivot. Meet the energy with confidence and poise knowing that you are assuming self-authority and taking responsibility to be true to yourself. You may be aware of your fears and insecurities, but you don’t have to let them stop you. With poise, you can walk your talk with beauty and truth.
Meet the Challenge
Every time you pause and ask yourself what is true, you have the choice to pivot towards the energy or away from the energy to meet a challenge. And you can do this with poise:
- a dignified, self-confident manner or bearing; composure; self-possession: steadiness; stability.
Polarity and the chaos will be with us for awhile yet so imagine if you had a strategy so you can meet that confrontational energy with clarity, confidence, and poise. What is the truth that you are being called to embody with poise? What are the consequences if you do not wake up to what is true for you? We are here to provide you with additional support as you need it and as you continue to meet the challenge.
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