
Directions 4 Wellness


The Remedy for Burnout After You Have Wiped Yourself Out


So here you are, feeling overwhelmed, stuck and unfulfilled from the successful life that now is holding you prisoner. You are burned out, spread thin and feeling unmotivated to keep going, yet unclear how to turn it around so you can get back on track.

I have been working with stress for years. In fact, I have personally wiped out my own health numerous times from stress. This alone, does not make me an expert in stress management. But certainly as a Registered Nurse for 30 years I have witnessed the downside of stress patterns within healthcare. There is a lot of new data out there about stress that has uncovered a myth that many of us bought into. There is a myth that stress is bad for you. The truth is that stress is only bad for you if you believe it is bad for you. This is where a change of your mindset will help you to shift your relationship with stress. Stress is merely a physiological response by our body that is triggered by stress hormones. The release of stress hormones will happen any time we are triggered by stress. It is an adaptive response from our body that is designed to support us to rise to meet challenges and to face adversity so we can focus, connect with others for support, and learn and grow. If you are in a place in your life where you have been adversely impacted by stress patterns, you may not know how to create patterns for stress resilience in your busy life.


I have amazing tools that I offer my clients so they can turn a stressful lifestyle into a successful lifestyle by developing stress resilience practices to connect with courage to change. The outcome is a very fulfilling life with harmonious relationships, better health, more fun and feeling passion for what you do. If you are burned out, this lifestyle may sound like a dream and not possible for your life.


To turnaround your stress, you do have to start with your dream. You might relate more if we call it your Vision. Your vision is the ideal lifestyle that you want to create over the next three to six months. Once you connect to your heart’s desire you will feel hope that your life can be different and you will feel motivated to make changes. Once you see the vision you want to go for, your passion begins to spark again and you perk up and start to feel alive and energized. To sustain this awakening, you will need a step-by-step plan to design how you can transform from feeling burnout, into motivation to change. I help my clients to transform their stress and burnout so they can gain traction towards the vision for their heart’s desire so they can feel fulfilled and empowered for the new lifestyle they are creating.


Sara is a Stress Management Specialist and creator of the “Turn Your Stress into Success Programs”. With more than 30 years in Healthcare and Certified as an Integrative Health Coach, she can help you to turn a stressful lifestyle into a successful lifestyle. For more information and techniques contact Sara Regester at Sara@directions4wellness.com or her website at Direction4Wellness.com. Her programs are designed to support you to create Stress resilience to turn your stress into success.

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