I notice that most of our conflicts with others that trigger shame, stress or frustration involve communication, or lack of communication, with another. We are so plugged into the world around us, so connected to everyone with our devices to text, instant message and email yet we hardly know how to have open, heart-to-heart communication.
Your heart knows your truth. Your heart is so aligned with you that it keeps pace with you at every beat, going fast when you need it to, slowing down when you rest. Your heart is always in perfect pace with you to sustain your life.
So why is it so hard to listen to the wisdom of your heart? Why is it so difficult to trust what your heart is telling you? What if you were truly able to devote yourself to all the big and little things that are part of your true heart’s desire.
Listening to your heart is self-devotion, not devotion to others.
If you were able to keep your heart open to communicate with truth, honesty and trust, how would your difficult relationships turn around?
Keeping your heart open is about staying with those difficult conversations until you get underneath the surface to really speak from the heart about what is true for you, without blame, without excuses but in full self-authority of what you need or want from that other person.
Even if the difficult person is a tyrant who triggers your shame, anger, annoyance, or frustration, by having the courage to speak from your heart is the key to empowered communication. Not saying what you think the other person wants to hear. Not being reactive and defensive. But hanging in with the raw vulnerability of open-hearted honesty and truth. Listening to your heart and speaking and allowing your heart to guide the truth you speak can turn around any difficult relationship. It’s amazing how two people can come together in understanding that does not necessarily require agreement simply from speaking heart-to-heart.
How do you do this? It starts with a deep breath, into your heart and a mindful pause to listen to what is there and to short circuit the inner dialogue. Then from a grounded, centered, open-hearted place, allow your truth to flow.
If you would like to schedule a 30-minute consultation with me, call me directly at 602-363-5533 or schedule here.

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