You are a do-gooder kind of person. You always say yes. You are able to anticipate what others need and thoughtfully provide it before they ask. You may not know what it is that you want exactly but you can always help others gain what they want. You don’t want to make waves, so you will keep the peace at any price. You dodge confrontation like dodging a bullet. The flip side is what everyone else sees in you. You are seen as a successful high achiever. You take on responsibilities for others. You are a natural leader because you always say yes, even if you are lacking confidence simply because you don’t want to disappoint. You consistently prioritize the needs of others first which is why people rely on you for so much. You consistently perform well with an eye for details (aka perfection). The life you lead looks great on the outside and feels like a hot mess on the inside. You can handle massive amounts of stress externally, and in fact, may know all the tips and tools to appear “stress resilient and mindful” but in fact, your stress hormones are raging like magma throughout your system as the juice that keeps you jumping through the hoops of your own resistance so you can push ahead. If the persona I described above resonates with you then there is hope. As a self-confessed stress junkie, I know all the ropes of the inner landscape of stress addiction. The bigger healing is a multi-pronged approach. The first step is to only take responsibility for what is yours. Taking responsibility for what is yours to do in terms of your work projects. Taking responsibility for having bottom lines and agreements with your SELF Taking responsibility for your health; physically, financially and in your relationships Taking responsibility for what will shift your mood, your overwhelm, and your thoughts Not taking responsibility for the mood, overwhelm or thoughts of others Not taking responsibility for the drama, disappointment, or pity of others Take responsibility to tap into your heart’s desire for what you want in that moment or what you want in your life and say YES to yourself (also known as your happiness). A Practice for SELF Responsibility: M-Power Pause: Take 1-3 breaths deeply into your core; three fingers below your naval Ask yourself these questions: What is the truth? What do I know? What do I not know? What action can I take that will empower me and not sabotage me? Have a list of things you can do to shift your mood/thoughts/beliefs/energy Examples: say a prayer, go for a walk, make a cup of tea, call a friend, meditate |
Click here to schedule Your Dharma Design Session and capture your big Dharma dreams! Click here to download the new ebook How to Grow From Your Stress ~ Reframe, Rewire, and Evolve Your Stress for a Life You Really Want. |

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