By now some of you are feeling impacted from your busy holiday preparations. Some of you are feeling like you are just not in the mood for all of this holiday hoopla. Some of you are feeling like you love this time of year and are packing more into your day and determinately burning the candle at both ends to fit it all in. This can be exhausting on all fronts. Especially when we are trying to keep up with the expectations of others to show up and participate fully.
In our natural cycles, this is the time of winter solstice. A time to go inside yourself and reflect and dream about how this past year presented itself and where you want to go next in terms of your intentions for the new year and new decade.
There is a push-pull reality to prepare and put your energy out to capture the holiday parties, shopping, gift giving, card writing and cookie baking to keep your traditions alive for you and your loved ones.
You are also being beckoned to go inside, become introspective and align with the dreaming energy of the shorter days and cooler temperatures. Winter is a time when nature gets quiet, where animals hibernate, and everything goes peacefully to sleep.
Be sure to honor this call to go inside and harvest your year. To renew and restore your energy after this full and expansive year. If there were things this year that didn’t go well or if a loss was encountered, this is the time to go into introspection and intuition to glean into what you gained personally as the “pearl” from meeting life’s challenges. How have you grown this year? What are you celebrating this year? What are you intending for the next spiral of life in the new year?
The call of the solstice is to balance your outward giving energy with your inward receiving energy. Alignment with the natural flow of life and light will invite you to visit an internal space of introspection and illumination from the inside. Shine your light into this year that is coming to completion for a full harvest. Create inner space to dream your intentions for what you want next year in terms of your heart’s desire. Dream big to capture the Dharma dreams that are like star seeds of beauty ready to be manifested when you place attention on your heart’s desire.
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