That Have Pushed Us into Personal Growth and Healing
For some of us the Holidays bring both good and bad stress. Our plates are fuller than usual and we can be pushing our health when we stay up later and try to get all those extra tasks done. It’s times like these that we can really feel triggered by certain people and events in our life or where our health may hit a vulnerable spot that threatens to take us down for the count. Here are some ideas to help you keep your attitude of gratitude strong even through your greatest challenges.
Where would you be today if you had succumbed to your life challenges rather than making the decision to take a stand and engage them?
Where would you really be today if your life was easy, consistently peaceful and not challenging?
How did you grow in your self-love, self-worth and self-awareness from engaging with your greatest challenges either from other people, your health or from those significant life events such as loss?
Our greatest growth often happens from our deepest pain. Yet every time we meet a challenge or confrontation, we increase our measure of self-worth. Like a Butterfly breaking free from its cocoon to fly!
Here are some guiding principles that you can use to harvest the beauty you have gained when you meet your deepest life challenges.
- Feeling gratitude through a direct increase of our self-measure. You open the door to tyrants, either people or events that trigger you in some way, because there is an internal trigger of your own shadow that you project outside of yourself. To close the door on the tyrant, the key is to explore your inner tyrant first and how you feel triggered. Now that you have an awareness of how you actually trigger yourself through the words, actions and events of others, you can do something about it to stop the energy loss.
- “Counting Coup” on those who trigger or tyrant you is done when you find the inner courage to speak your truth directly about how they are impacting you. Speaking with neutrality and honesty and then set a bottom line, agreement or boundary with that person. Often this conversation brings awareness to that person so they can behave differently. This is ideally a win-win mutual understanding and not a one-up-on-you scenario.
- Feeling gratitude for what we learn from the teacher of Health and dis-ease. When you are confronted by the teacher of ill-health, you want to hold the mantra “I’m focused on my healing” to stay out of self-pity and to put out the intent to say “yes!” to being healed. The more you step into a clear non-judgmental mind, you can start making the empowering lifestyle changes and habit adjustments that support new patterns that support your healing. Ill-health is an opportunity to change multiple habits and patterns to rebalance and restore your health rather than resisting the call to make changes and being stuck in the distraction of your symptoms. Through the healing process you can evolve and grow in many ways in your life. Health as a teacher is really a knock to make changes to bring in more balance emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually and sexually.
- Loss of a job, a loved one, a marriage is another arena where we can feel gratitude for the growth that we gain from loss. There is always a pearl to harvest when you reflect on your losses and perceived failures. Loss opens up space and creates room for the new to come in. Death, either physical or energetic, will always birth new life. For example, how the spring leaves come back to the trees after a long winter of bare branches. New life, rebirth and renewal is the energy we observe in nature. Within ourselves, this concept of new life is true also. Many of the new opportunities that show up in your life happen after a loss of something else that creates the space or the possibility for the new to come in. Even in the case of difficult relationships, there is some pearl that you gained from that person/situation in terms of your character refinement or personal growth and awareness. The process of letting go is one way you can open up to perceive the gift of the loss.
You can feel gratitude for the cycle of life and how you have each been evolving and growing from your greatest challenges. For both the beauty that life brings and the “not” beautiful, you may judge your challenges as bad and resist making the decision to meet confrontation. Yet the irony is that through engaging confrontation and challenge you can take your power back and make a direct deposit into your self-worth bank, heal your concepts of self and evolve into a better, healthier, more balanced version of yourself.
To Explore this journey for you, you can sign up for your Dharma Design Session where we will explore how you can meet your Tyrants and Challenges to empower yourself. Also coming in 2020 is a small group virtual 6-week Stress Mastery Program.
Learn more tips and techniques by clicking here.
Click here to download the new ebook How to Grow From Your Stress ~ Reframe, Rewire, and Evolve Your Stress for a Life You Really Want.

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