
Design and Choreography of Energy is how you live your decisions, choices, and priorities.

If we could choose between feeling stressed and overwhelmed vs. relaxed and focused in our life, it’s not rocket science to know which one we would choose. Relaxation and focus are directly related to how well we design our day-to-day choreography in terms of our decisions, choices, and priorities.

How well are we training our Free Will Muscle in our busy day-to-day? Are we in flow or are we feeling like the hamster in the wheel? Are we riding the energy like a surfer on a wave or are we kicking and paddling to stay afloat in our emotional waters?

Do we have clear boundaries and bottom lines around our decisions, choices and priorities or do we put ourselves at the bottom of our priority list? Maybe we do have boundaries and bottom lines, but we will leave a back door open that others will take advantage of. Many of us are caught in taking care of everyone else first and putting ourselves last, if at all. We forget about ourselves in the busyness.

This pattern of not prioritizing yourself in your own life can be challenging to turn around. I’ve fallen into this before when I felt responsible to take action on behalf of others. This pattern of energy output won’t turn around until you invite others to take responsibility for what is theirs to do or learn to delegate to receive support from others. Letting go of patterns of micromanagement and self-reliance are essential for success here.

Are you clear about what really matters to you in terms of your personal values and fulfillment factor or are you caught between one value that competes with another? For example, staying up late to finish a project for work or at home so that you cut your recharge sleep time short. This is how you start the habit of burning the candle at both ends.

Do you know what fills your tank in terms of your heart’s desire? How often do you tune into your heart’s desire and say yes to what you really want? Some of us don’t even know what our desires are because we have been so busy making sure we are taking care of everyone else’s needs, wants and desires. This is how our Free Will Muscle atrophies.

Returning to the concept of the design of choreography, there is a natural energy balance and flow that is both receptive an active in energy movement that supports our harmony and keeps our energy tank from becoming depleted even in the fullness of a busy life.

  • If we are always giving, then we are missing the opportunity to receive. This can relate to our energy flow as well as our creativity. If we are always putting out our energy and missing the opportunity to receive energy back in, then we are at risk of burnout.
  • The concept of Relaxation AND Focus implies that we need to be receptive to relaxation first, then we can take action with focus. When we are overwhelmed and stressed, it is very hard to stay focused on our decisions, choices and priorities.
  • Creating Bottom Lines and Boundaries will guide our decisions, choices and priorities from a place of self-respect, self-acceptance and honors our heart’s desire. This translates to our measure of self-worth. It is a vulnerable edge for many of us to own our self-worth.
  • Bottom Lines and Boundaries are based on our personal values which takes self-awareness of the guiding principles that really matter to us.  
  • A guide to setting Bottom Lines and Boundaries is to pay attention to the arenas where we may typically loose energy, conserve energy or gain energy. We exercise our Free Will Muscle when we prioritize and make decisions based on energy conservation or energy gain. This approach is the foundation for fulfillment, happiness, and harmony.
  • To strengthen our Free Will Muscle and learn to be receptive, do one thing per day that is pure heart’s desire. Tune into what we really want. Nothing is too small or too insignificant. What brings a smile to our heart? What fills our tank with creative fuel? What small act or choice can we make from an internal voice that says “Yes, I would love that!”
  • Through training our Free Will Muscle, we will close the back door or any loose hinges on our Bottom Lines and Boundaries. We will be able to consistently be the Master Choreographer of our Energy so we can stay in Relaxation and Focus as we ride the chaotic energy wave of life.