Living in a Paradox to have Control vs No-Control
I think we can all agree that these are interesting times. There is a point where you have to realize that part of what is really defining our “new normal” is how we are all learning to live in the unknown. Most of us are living in the paradox of “to have control vs no-control” on a daily basis.
Just when you think you have a plan you hear something polar opposite so once again you have to pivot and make a shift in your daily routine. There have been myths mixed in with facts. There have been rumors mixed in with truths. There have been new studies debunking the old studies.
There is a lot going on that is beyond your control. One thing is certain. We are all experiencing times of change. Those individuals and businesses that will thrive in these ever changing times are those that are willing to let go of how things were in the old structures and to explore to find a new way. We are all virtually like pioneers or perhaps are we “virtual” pioneers?
Stay Present and Focused
The secret to success in these times is to stay in your center so you can stay present and focused. You can do this by pausing to take deep breaths into your lower belly, so you can stop the loop of the inner dialogue of worry in your head. Slow deep breaths are what naturally trigger your sympathetic nervous system which is linked to your stress resilience response.
The next step is to focus not on what you can do but how you can do it. Asking yourself “how” questions helps you to focus on creative solutions and to stay out of reactivity. The “What Mind” is tied to Karmic thinking that is going to pull you into your deeply encoded stress patterns. The “How Mind” is what opens the door to Dharmic opportunities to find a new and more productive pattern.
When it comes to “control vs no control” it’s about seeing the reality that there are a lot of things going on in the world that are beyond your control. The duration of the COVID virus, the state of economics, the craziness in our politics and any of these triggers that swirl around in the news, on social media, in your conversations, in your thoughts.
Take Responsibility For What is Within Your Control
The more you fret about things that are beyond your control, the stronger you will trigger your stress response loop. In the pause, when you take a breath, focus on what is within your control; something that you personally can take responsibility for. What conversation can you have with someone on the phone during social distancing. What creative project can you start while its hot outside.
How can you take steps within your own environment to bring beauty and harmony to your space? How can you prioritize your inner space each day so you can tune into that inner whisper that says “yes!” when you tune into your desires and stop pushing through your resistance.

Focus on What Really Matters
One thing for sure, your world is changing, and the final outcome and timing is yet to be determined. Opportunity is knocking on your door to make a choice. You can be at the effect of these times that are filled with so many unknowns that you may feel anxious and unsettled. Or riding the wave of chaos and change, you can realize this is the perfect time to set yourself free by letting go of some of your old ways, old relationships and old patterns. This era is a wakeup call, to focus on what really matters and specifically to take responsibility for the things that are within your control to care for. The discernment is to ask yourself what is mine to do and what is not really about me? If I want to impact the injustice of humanity how can I impact the humanity within me to clean up my attitude or wounding so that I can shine my light brighter into the world for humanity? Take on a Dharmic attitude and ask yourself the next question “How can I take responsibility for my feelings/actions/current state of relationship/economics…etc.”
When you look back on this COVID era of these past months, what is the pearl that you are personally taking away for yourself? What do you know now that you didn’t know before? If you want to explore your “how” with me then schedule your Dharma Design Session.

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