
6 Week Stress Turn-Around Intensive

Stress Management and Stress Relief Programs

Re-wire Your Stress Patterns & Habits

Re-wire your stress patterns and habits to feel more energized, fulfilled, and achieve real success in your relationships, home life and work. Join other driven individuals who want success without burning themselves out from stress. Together, you will learn the tools and techniques that can eliminate the negative impact of stress and transform an area of your life that is important to you.

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Build Stress Resiliency Practices

Stress Relief Exercises

 to navigate the demands of your busy life to be more productive and less exhausted

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Discover The Secret

Easy To Implement Stress Relief Practices

to change your behaviors, habits and lifestyle patterns so you can get unstuck and be more aligned with your purpose

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Increase Your Focus, Presence & Impact In Your Life

Find Strong Natural Personality Traits


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Close The Door On Stress Triggers

Eliminate Stress Triggers

that deplete you, spread you thin and sabotage your health and key relationships 

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Be A More Confident & Magnetic Leader

Get Confident In Leadership Roles


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Shift Your Mindset About Self-Care

Mindfluness and Self Care Exercises

Create boundaries & fill your energetic reserves without guilt

Feeling like this is for you? Let's talk!

Have a free, 15-minute call with Sara to see where you are. Download the Brochure Here

Use Life Coaching, Sprituality and Meditation Training To Live A Stress-Resilient, Happy, Healthy Life That You Love

"Sara has been instrumental

in guiding me through some areas both professionally and personally that I have been hung up on for some time. Though I have experienced many “self-help” seminars and spiritual growth events, I have never before had such a personal approach to what I have been struggling through. I am feeling empowered now with several tools to help me stay on track as I rumble through this thing called life.” 

KW. Realtor, New River, AZ