Sara Regester Sara Regester Shamanic Teacher and Life Coach image

Sara Regester


Stress Mastery Expert
Shamanic Integrative Health Coaching

Honoring your gifts and spirit

My passion and genius is to help success-driven individuals step out of stress and resistance –  creating a change that honors your desire as well as the people close to you.  There is nothing more satisfying to me than to create a bridge between your current reality and a life that expresses your true gifts and desires, to be spiritually connected and become a true leader in your life and work.

We were born to create, not resist a life we love.


Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, International Shamanic Teacher

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How To Grow From Your Stress | Get Your Free E-Book Here

A unique combination of western medicine, spirituality
& mindfulness, together with Shamanism…

Sara leads highly transformational programs for individuals, groups and companies. Her unique mind-body-spirit techniques, originating from her 14+ years of studying indigenous healing, are embedded into her programs for a holistic approach to rewire mindset and lifestyle. Sara trains leaders how to be stress responders and innovative problem solvers so they can be less reactive and more confident in their leadership.  Sara is the founder of Directions 4 Wellness, an international health and lifestyle-consulting practice and is the author of the ebook “How to Grow from Your Stress.”

Sara Regester Sara Regester Shamanic Teacher and Life Coach image

Sara Regester Sara Regester Shamanic Teacher and Life Coach image

A little bit about my Shamanic study...

Shamanism comes from the early cultures to align with the worlds of Grandmother Earth, the elements and the powers of creation to heal and transform.

I have been an apprentice of the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path of the Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society since 2003. This ancient spiritual path is specifically for healing of the mind, body and spirit through self-growth and development. Together, I and my international community of seekers use ancient wisdom of the Twisted Hairs of Turtle Island to transform and evolve into our fullest potential through teachings and ceremonial ritual based in shamanism.

Shamanic wisdom and alchemical rituals (personal ceremony) are embedded into my programs to create deep and rapid transformation and healing in my clients, so they can evolve into their potential and create a life filled with meaning and purpose. Universally the Shamanic principles help to cultivate the universal gifts in their life: happiness, health, humor, hope and harmony.

Stress Transformation Session: Discover how you are designed to evolve and grow so you can consciously create a life that you love.

My Story: I've been there too...

Following your heart is more powerful than any modern medicine.

I am all too familiar with the connection between emotional well-being, stress and health.  In working with my patients as a practicing nurse for over 30 years, I began to notice the direct correlation between their emotional states and physical conditions. It was not uncommon to have a patient with heart disease share a gripping story of heartache. The more and more I began to look at it, the stronger my belief in the mind/body/spirit connection began. Despite the most advanced technology and treatments, I would see patients unable to cope with stress die on a regular basis, and others with even more complicated issues, survive and thrive.

During my career, I had the desire to be the best nurse possible.

I took on extra shifts, never said “no” and didn’t set boundaries. I wanted to do it all, and did, for a while.

Then my health would give out – environmental allergies, thyroid conditions and asthma were just a few that would flare up as a result of the stress caused by my unsustainable work life. I knew that if these conditions were caused by stress and my state of mind, I should be able to heal it with a shift, a re-framing of my stress.  I began to study mind/body/spirit healing practices as well as indigenous shamanic healing. Each time something would flare up, I would apply this knowledge and my  health crisis would subside and disappear.

Today, after working with thousands of patients and clients, my passion lies in helping my clients to realize that their stress is a symptom of something bigger, typically a change or desire they want so deeply, but they resist making it. I see many reasons for this resistance  – there is such a fear of loss;  of love, finances or even of their identity. No matter what it is, the end result is stress induced health issues and/or lives that don’t work.