
Spiritual Advisor and Life Coach Spiritual Teacher and Life Coach From One Of Arizona's Renowned Holistic and Spiritual Coaches and Certified Life Coach in Phoenix Arizona image

personal life, relationships or work?

From the outside, you seem to have it all…

a successful career, relationship, family – a “good” life but, despite that outer appearance, on the inside you are feeling:

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Stress Transformation Session: Discover how you are designed to evolve and grow so you can consciously create an existence that you love.

Work With A Spiritual Teacher And Life Coach

Or you may be just going through the motions…

Are you caught up in a relationship, career or routine that no longer serves or excites you? You might be clear on what you really want, but afraid of the consequences – of losing someone or something you care about if you followed your heart and spiritual path. You might not know what is next, but have that longing for a consciously vibrant life, to make a bigger difference, to fulfill your soul’s purpose.

Talk To A Certified Life Coach & Counselor


You are RESISTING SOMETHING IMPORTANT OR are TOLERATING something, keeping you in your comfort zone.

Bad habits and inhibitions will cost you many unrealized opportunities. A holistic and spiritual life coach can provide a custom course that matches your career and personal ambitions.

When our actions are not in spiritual alignment with what we truly desire, symptoms show up as a message to course-correct. I totally get what that feels like. I’ve been there too. 

For me, constantly pushing and striving to be what I believed would make me successful, contrasted with the insecurity and resistance to what I really wanted, creating relationship problems, health issues and burnout – and I was a full time nurse! Throughout my career I saw this with my patients; getting out of balance with the life they desired, and the patterns they were stuck in, leading to significant mind-body-spirit problems and for some, death.


For over two decades, I have been helping success-driven individuals identify these issues and transform their stress to have successful careers & lives.

Where would you like a breakthrough?
When we address one area, others shift too!

Embodied Leadership

Make a difference in the world through your work to become an embodied leader, by using your authentic feminine soft power to empower others — instead of pushing and striving for success. There are many ways to describe my services including: empowerment coach, personal coach, mindset and accountability coach. But the truth is, I’m an ally in your journey to success and fulfillment.

Our work together will enable you to be present — truly able to listen to where people are — as well as your inner guidance in each situation.

Improve Career Satisfaction Using Holistic Methods At An Affordable Cost

  • Increase confidence & clarity
  • Solve problems creatively & prioritize
  • Increase productivity and success
  • Feel heard and valued
  • Be emotionally balanced

Emotional Balance

As women, our success and emotional well-being are directly proportional to our ability to receive in balance with what we give. This, for many reasons, can be a challenge. When we shift our receptivity to self-acceptance, self-worth and self-disseverment we can allow miracles to happen in our world:


  • Experience co-empowered alignment
  • Be supported on a whole new level
  • Understand how to best support others around you
  • Be more present and less reactive
  • Integrate gratitude & celebration to increase confidence


Maintaining a high level of personal energy is paramount to developing deep relationships, career success and abundance. Without it, sabotaging behaviors creep in, creating a downward spiral. I offer my clients a course to help learn how to:

  • Fuel their energy tanks
  • Identify and stop energy leaks
  • Contain and maintain their energy
Spiritual Advisor and Life Coach Spiritual Teacher and Life Coach From One Of Arizona's Renowned Holistic and Spiritual Coaches and Certified Life Coach in Phoenix Arizona image


You may know you are a spiritual person, but perhaps you do not feel as connected as you would like. Tap into your intuition and balance the male/female energy in your body, allowing you to show up powerful and grounded. This is where spiritual support is critical. Hiring a spiritual teacher and certified life coach is the first major step into a major personal transformation.


  • Access your inner wisdom
  • Be at home in your body
  • Honor your energy, time and gifts
  • Connect with your higher, natural self
  • Accelerate your evolution
“We are Spiritual Beings having a Human Being experience – we evolve and grow spiritually from our work, our health and relationships”
Sara Regester

Let Go of the Past

Step away from being a victim and limiting beliefs to know yourself as a powerful creator! Identify what you have been tolerating and shift towards what you want to create for your future.

  • Reframe old stories
  • Own your value
  • Be grateful for all the events in your life
  • Increase inner peace & outer confidence


Tap into your creativity to express your soul’s desire and find new ways to shine and express your gifts.

  • Experience true flow
  • Be happier & more spontaneous
  • Get unstuck
  • Make decisions prioritized with your desires
  • Exercise free will & choice to create a life you love

“As an integrative health coach, Sara appeared during a pivotal time in my life.  I was transitioning from overcoming a life threatening illness and leaving my “identity” in the corporate world to pursue my passion for yoga. She is extremely skilled and effective at approaching the process from a multi-pronged technique where mind, body, and spirit connect. 

I highly recommend Sara as a coach!”

~Cristy S.

Phoenix, Arizona


Stress and lack of vitality caused by health issues are a direct symptom of resisting something important to you. In our work together you will discover what your afflictions are teaching you and how to powerfully eliminate them with mind-body-spirit tools and ancient shamanic wisdom.

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Lose weight & stop emotional eating

Be mindful of your choices around food
Spiritual Advisor and Life Coach Spiritual Teacher and Life Coach From One Of Arizona's Renowned Holistic and Spiritual Coaches and Certified Life Coach in Phoenix Arizona image

Diminish or eliminate health issues

Adrenals, Irritable Bowel, Crohn’s Disease, unhealthy gut – compromised immune system, Lupus, MS and knee & back pain
Spiritual Advisor and Life Coach Spiritual Teacher and Life Coach From One Of Arizona's Renowned Holistic and Spiritual Coaches and Certified Life Coach in Phoenix Arizona image

Maintain your emotional well-being



What would it be like to connect with the people you love on a deeper level? To fall back in love with your partner, have each kiss feel like it was your first and experience intimacy like never before? Our work together heals past hurts so that you can move forward and be present in all your relationships, opening them up to extraordinary possibility.

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Be more attractive

Attract quality relationships and relatedness, while being magnetic and more fun
Spiritual Advisor and Life Coach Spiritual Teacher and Life Coach From One Of Arizona's Renowned Holistic and Spiritual Coaches and Certified Life Coach in Phoenix Arizona image

Increase intimacy & satisfying relationships

Spiritual Advisor and Life Coach Spiritual Teacher and Life Coach From One Of Arizona's Renowned Holistic and Spiritual Coaches and Certified Life Coach in Phoenix Arizona image

Give & receive love freely

Learn what self-love really feels like and become a role model for your children
Spiritual Advisor and Life Coach Spiritual Teacher and Life Coach From One Of Arizona's Renowned Holistic and Spiritual Coaches and Certified Life Coach in Phoenix Arizona image

Forgive and heal past relationships

Spiritual Advisor and Life Coach Spiritual Teacher and Life Coach From One Of Arizona's Renowned Holistic and Spiritual Coaches and Certified Life Coach in Phoenix Arizona image

Embrace your divine feminine & masculine

Women – be receptive and feel valued while embracing your feminine “Soft Power”, Men – feel appreciated
Society has given women the idea that we “have to be the better man” – to get results and success by power and force, to do it ourselves. Because this method is not authentically ours, it can deplete you and leave even impressive accomplishments feeling unsatisfying.