
Watch this video to demonstrate a technique that will instantly turnaround those run-away thoughts of fear and anxiety that come up when we are triggered by stress. Stress happens. Sometimes it builds and builds as things pile up and the overwhelm takes over. Other times there is something in the moment related to a person or event that sets us off.



Whatever your stress trigger is for you, either due to a pile up of competing priorities that makes you feel crazy busy or that person or situation that can throw you into stress mode in an instant; the way you respond to that stress is key.

When we go into emotional reactivity we are adopting the threat response. In this response the inner dialogue turns on the pain tapes that ramps up anxiety, shame and fear. This sends us into fight or flight mode, so we are unable to effectively meet the challenges that are facing us. We can be stuck in our head, in monkey mind mode and losing energy fast.

When we are able to recognize that we are feeling a stress response, we can meet the stress much more effectively when we are able to respond with a challenge response strategy to stop the inner dialogue that is creating the fear and anxiety. We are more present and can hold a more neutral perspective when we focus our attention on that power place in our second chakra about two-three finger breadths bellow the naval and a little back towards the spine.

The easiest way to put our attention into our power place is with the breath. From this power place we will be grounded in our body and out of our head. We can face challenge with neutrality and focus to problem solve or see the situation with clarity. We can be emotionally balanced and not in emotionality. We can contain our energy so we don’t exhaust ourselves.

The 4-7-8 Breath is one quick strategy I use frequently to shift my attitude towards stress from reactivity mode to meet the challenge mode. It helps me to create a mindful moment to shift gears out of threat response into challenge response.

Do 4 rounds of the 4-7-8 breath, as demonstrated in the video, to instantly shift your attitude to meet a challenge the next time your stress is triggered. You can do this technique any time, any place so you can drop down, shift your perspective and be more present to the challenge confronting you.


Sara Regester, RN, BSN

Stress Mastery Expert

Directions 4 Wellness