
Mind full or mindful?


Mind Full, or Mindful?


Mindfulness: Paying attention to the present moment with intention,

while letting go of judgment as if your life depends on it.

– Dr. Jon Kabat-Zin


[bctt tweet=”Mindfulness is paying attention to what really matters.”]

When you are single focused and not multi-tasking you can be present in that moment with that single focus. It doesn’t matter if you are talking with someone or folding laundry. In the moment you are mindful when you pay attention to and connect with what you are experiencing in that moment. You can be mindful when you exercise as you focus on that exact movement of activity. You are mindful when you eat if you really taste your food with pallet gratification, smelling your food, taking in the beauty of your food and really feeling the gratitude for all the hands that touched that food to make it possible for it to be on your plate; down to the giveaway of the plant or animal that is feeding you.


When we multitask, we are distracting ourselves. When we are on our cell phone or watching TV while eating we are not connecting to our food or appreciating how our food is nourishing us with savory pleasure. If we are not single focused while we eat, we will gobble up our food without fully tasting it and experiencing it. So are you mindful or mind full??


Mind Full, or Mindful?